Saturday, September 29, 2012

月饼节快乐 =)


想当年搬家前我住的是排屋,一旦中秋节就会看见左邻右舍的小孩兴奋的点蜡烛(应该是说烧蜡烛吧,很喜欢用蜡烛的火来烧草还有蜡烛的盒子 LOL ),提灯笼(以前提的是那种很传统的灯笼,不是电子的!) 爸爸还亲手制作灯笼呢!记得有好几次还差点“火灾”!通常提灯笼提到累了就会把它挂在晒衣架的绳子上,也不知道为什么那灯笼会突然烧了起来!那时的我觉得超级害怕的。可是还是照玩~ 也不喜欢那些放电池的灯笼,觉得那种灯笼根本就没意思。我的左手在与妹妹玩蜡烛时还被火烧伤,现在还有小小的疤痕~那种感觉真是难以忘怀啊~  一整个晚上玩到满身大汗才算爽快 =D

再看回现在的自己,竟然坐在电脑前像宅女一般的“与世隔绝” LOL 其实也没那么严重。只是刚刚在面子书上看见很多人都在庆祝着中秋节,好开心哦... 我也为了“应节”,吃了几块月饼,赏赏大大的月亮。*中秋节的迷信:不可以用食指指向月亮,要不然耳朵会被割?虽然不知道到底是不是真的,但到现在我还不敢这么做 哈哈。啊...好想玩蜡烛,提灯笼在家附近“游行”!! 可惜天不时地不利人不合。我只能说,还能有机会和家人朋友聚在一起庆祝的朋友 要珍惜啦。

最近找到一首能让我一直不停地听也不会厌的歌曲,这首歌音乐很轻,旋律很柔很缓慢。它就是 《还爱着你 - 郭采洁》。我竟然可以一直重复听了将近3个小时!! 很不错的一首歌哦..


愛總是讓人懂 其實不需要有什麼理由
才能叫人放得開 就算感情有多渴求
時間已淡化永久 沒什麼可以留
或許記憶 能重遊

愛就是讓人懂 藏在心裡的傷能有多痛
才能讓人放不開 愚惑忘記苦盡甘來
時間模糊了對錯 已不能做什麼
愛是兩個 不同世界的組合

I'm loving you
still loving you

安安靜靜的模樣 映在那模糊的眼眶
I'm loving you
still loving you

好啦,晚安了各位 :)

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Review on Etude House Silk Scarf Hair Care Product

Hello there! I was just came back from my hometown which is at Johor! Celebrating my Hari Raya at there. It's kinda fun meeting my cousins even though we didn't do much things there.
We watched an old movie which called "White Chicks". We think it is one of the most classic movies among all!! Really laugh our ass off~ HAHAHAAA... For those who never watch or heard of this movie before, I would say, it is an awesome movie. Take an hour + of your life to watch this, it's really funny and it will definitely make your day! Seriouslyyy =D You will never regret watching this movie. Hehehee...

These are some dialogues in the movie LOL

One of the best scenes AHAHAHA

Oh oh!! Back to the topic. So ya, I some hair product in Etude House two months ago. It's the Silk Scarf Moist Hair Mist and Silk Scarf Repair Hair Essence! I was so impressed by the result of the product!!! Really it so so much! Especially the Repair Hair Essence. It's far more better than other brand like Liese. I used Liese Hair Cocktail previously, it has improved my hair too BUT I would say Etude House Silk Scarf Repair Hair Essence works better on my DRY and FRIZZY hair due to couple of times of hair colouring. =( The price of products it's around RM30+ if I'm not mistaken! I like the smell of it. I don't really know how to describe it, it's like kinda light floral smell. And the cute packaging with polka dots on it! When the first time I saw these, it gives me a "take me home or else you'll regret" feeling. LOL I think most of the girls will understand what I am talking about. HA!

This is the before and after for you all to see! I felt so amazed and satisfied on the result. Check it out yo ^^ 

Awesome right?? Rightttt??? =D So, what do you guys think about the hair products? Or do you have any other better recommendation? I will always glad to hear your comments no matter good or bad. Learning to be real open-minded and willing to take critics and compliments at anytime :) Ciaoz

Thursday, August 16, 2012

Finallyyyyy... My first post in 2012 LOL

My gosh! Couldn't believe that I had abandoned my blog for more than 1 year.  Thanks to my boring semester break that eventually brings me back to my sort of second home, my blog! Hehee... When I came back, the layout of blogspot has changed so much!!  Sigh, gonna get use to the new things and I felt like I'm a newbie for it. Actually I don't really like that lol 
First of all, I wanna say hi to all of you who still remember me or who might already forget about me! T_T


From now on, I will be sharing lots of things here. My life experiences, family and friends and myself! 
Next post I will share some hair products that I'm using right now. It is very useful for girls who have
 frizzy & dry hair!!

Hmm... Alright! I guess it's time to "renovate" my blog with new background and banner!  So far I have changed the background. How is it?? What do you think? Nicer? I'm still finding more cute and pretty backgrounds because the current background is not really satisfying for me. Finding a nice background isn't very easy. I wish I know those HTML thingy so I could change the template of my blog and make it unique! The one and only meiying's style :D Hahahaa

Now I'm working on my banner with my bro's help.  
I believe that it will be very perfect with my "trademark" on it :P
*Stay tuned~ Ngek ngek ngek~